Wednesday 20 February 2013


Object image
EngineAdobe Flash (graphics)
Box2DFlashAS3 (physics)
RequirementsWeb browser
Adobe Flash Player 9.0+

Transformice or TM is an online Flash game created by Melibellule (artist), and Tigrounette (programmer). It is a game written in Actionscript 3.0 and the flash-port of Box2D.           


The gameplay in the game is somewhat straightforward. You play as a mouse, in a variety of maps with cheese in them. The object of the game is to get this cheese into your mousehole. Many maps have complex puzzles involved that can only be solved with the help of the all-powerful shaman, who is determined every round based on highest scores. In addition, completing these maps will result in being awarded with titles and cheese. Cheese allows you to buy clothing accessories in the Shop.


As a mouse, you have only one goal: to collect the cheese, and navigate back to the safety of your mouse hole with the help of the Shaman. The mice have few and basic controls, using the arrows keys (or, alternatively, W, A, S, and D) to duck, jump, and move.


The Shaman is a mouse with the ability to summon physics objects, and in some cases must overcome an otherwise insurmountable obstacle to clear a path to the cheese for the other mice. The Shaman is separated from the other mice with various markings on his fur and a feather on his head. The array of objects the Shaman has access to varies from map to map; in some cases, the shaman can't do anything at all. As the Shaman, your controls are a bit more advanced; see the complete list of controls here.


Mélanie Christin, more commonly known online as Melibellule or Meli, is an administrator and co-creator of Transformice. Despite her work, she chose to remain mostly anonymous for the early life of Transformice.



[edit]Transformice Art

Melibellule has created all the artwork for the game, including (but not limited to) mouse and shaman, all the shop items, mouse animations, shaman items, and artwork on the intro screen and webpage. All her works are done in vector, due to working in Flash. She draws the art with a Wacom Intuos 4M, or Wacom Bamboo 1, depending on her location.
She also is co-game designer of the game, and designs the rules along with Tigrounette.


  • She has a cat and loves goat cheese.
  • She seems to reply to English-speaking individuals when an e-mail is sent to the game's e-mail address. The Name section of the e-mail's header reads "Souris Grise", or "Gray Mouse".
  • The name "Melibellule" comes from the nickname of Mélanie (Meli), and the word dragonfly in french (Libellule)
  • Melibellule's title, Fromadmin, is a portmanteau of the French word for cheese, 'Fromage', and admin.
  • Melibellule dislikes being shaman, and often says some form of "Oh God" before her turn.
  • Melibellule has the ability to draw shapes in the game.
  • She lives in Roubaix, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, in France, near the Belgian border.
  • She works for Ankama, on a project called DOFUS                                                                               
    Self portrait of Melibellule.
    Not really a mouse in real life.
    NameMélanie "Meli" Christin
    BornJuly 24, 1986 (Age 25)
    ResidenceRoubaix, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
    NationalityFrench FR.gif
    PositionArtist, designer, administrator


Sydoline is an Administrator who is in-charge of the main moderation duties of Transformice, aka Community Manager. She is in charge of maintaining communications with the Transformice community. On April 18, 2012 she announced the removal of the Super Moderator position (demoting all current super moderators to regular moderators) and that she is in full control over the ability to permanently ban a user. She was hired some time in October 2011. She has helped with announcing many events, in-game and forum. She also works in the office with Tigrounette and Melibellule                                                                                                           
Sydoline in real life.
Join Date03/11/2011
NationalityFrench FR.gif
PositionCommunity Manager, Staff, Administrato


Jean-Baptiste Lemarchand, more commonly known online as Tigrounette or Tig, is an administrator and co-creator of Transformice. Tigrounette is responsible for the programming, while Melibellule‎ designed.



  • In French, "Tigrou" means "Tigger" and "-ette" is a suffix meaning the feminine form of, or sometimes "small".
  • Tigrounette created extinction before creating Transformice. It gave them some ideas for the game and how to make the game
  • Tigrounette's younger sister, Ley, is an additional admin of Transformice. She has helped with hiring moderators, and replying to English-speaking emails. She plays mostly on a guest account, Souris 9 and Nickname 9.
  • Previously, Tigrounette decided to keep his name and gender hidden for many months.

Free Tfm Accounts

These are some transformice accounts I know :)                                                                                           User:Timecrashes Pass:Manchester User:Chaoscobra pass:manchester (i dont know if this account still works <) User:Kingspy pass:machester (don't know if this works either) User:Goozie pass:123456789 User:Freedomchich Pass:thunderbolt1 User:Nekes Pass:Manchester User:Imnooboflag Pass:12345678abc User:thejkbprossk Pass:thunderbolt1 Hope you enjoy these accounts, Bye :)

Map 801

Map 801 NPC Test Area
Map image
Map Attributes
Map typeOther maps
Date addedNovember 21, 2010
FeaturesNpcs and a bot, timer always at 0:00

Map 801 is a test map for Transformice's first NPCPapaille, and since update 0.122Elise. It can only be played by entering room *801.
There is no shaman in this room. The timer is always at 0:00. Room *801 sometimes hosts parties in which Tigrounette may drop in and begin drawing and playing music.
The NPCs here cannot be befriended or sent private messages, though their names sometimes appear in the scoreboard.
Cfmbot was also added sometime ago, and does random emotes when a mouse dies then respawns.
By 11/20/11, Elise now sleeps while Papaille cries. Note, that these two mice are the real tfm mascots. Elise had to be put down a couple weeks ago, which is why she is sleeping and Papaille is crying. [Citation needed]
As of (April, May?) 2012, Elise and Papaille have custom colors, showing off the (at the time, un-released) custom color feature. On the May 2, 2012 update; Elise and Papaille repeatedly say "Transformice-2012" which refers to the room you enter to start an ARG (Alternate Reality Game) which when solved, gave out the code for the Cake hat. The code was leaked upon winning it, and was spread throughout the community, unfortunately ruining the ARG for others.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Stop Hacking

Transformice hacking websites such as Transformice Hack Brazil (THB) are not liscened to do this so if you ever come across websites like this Please close it because it it ruining the game for me and for everyone in transformice!So please i beg you STOP HACKING and make the game easier for all of us and it will make Mods Work lesser! So please Stop fly hacking,Matrix hacking or Jump hacking because we don't like it :) Just useful info about transformice you would all like to hear about. Bye guys :)